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Depending on your situation and needs these Resources may be of value (check for your area or county)

To strengthen the family unit and prevent child abuse there is free short-term child care on weekdays 10-6 PM Crisis care for ages 0-17 and some Respite care that provides care for ALL children in the family, not just the adopted children (Ogden)

CLICK HERE for more information.

Senior Property Tax Relief - The Circuit Breaker Program offers property tax relief for elderly renters and homeowners by reducing property taxes on their primary residence, only for those who qualify. A reduction or abatement of property taxes on a principal residence equivalent to a 20% reduction in fair market value of your property eligibility by county.

CLICK HERE for more information.

Weber-Morgan 211- This is a list of important phone numbers.

The Ride – Senior Transportation Program through Weber Human Services M-F 8-3 PM 801-625-3776   They need a 5 day advance request and have other requirements.

Stages of Grief, Depression, and Life Turned Upside Down- a blog post of best-selling author Rick Johnson

CLICK HERE for more information.

There are a lot of older single moms being parents again; a video to help vulnerable populations: seniors and young children. There are different types of grandfamilies. 

CLICK HERE to watch the video.

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